Richard Prince wants to create a cannabis brand?

Richard Prince has been in our little artistic sphere since the 1980s, but he’s periodically seemed a little distant—almost like he was speaking in the third-person. Then in 1998, Richard started making his Hippie Drawings. We saw these smiling, wide-eyed, open-armed hippies when we were in the early stages of developing Katz + Dogg and something clicked. Let’s use the signature drawings from Prince’s celebrated Hippie Drawings and High Times paintings series to roll out a whole lifestyle extension in conjunction with the launch of the brand.

2020 Clio Bronze Winner

  • Brand Design

    Child-Safe Packaging Design & Production

    Brand Voice and Positioning

    Brand Identity System

    Line Extension Design and Development

    Lifestyle and Apparel Design

  • Epidemic Agency

    Richard Prince

    Darren Romanelli


Chromecast Global Retail Launch